What kind of dive education do you want?
Education, Fundamentals, Recreational
This is one question I pose to my students when they ask me about the differences between diver training agencies, and why fees vary between dive centres purportedly offering the same course.
Your answer probably depends, in part, on why you decided to pick up scuba diving in the first place.
But I’m not talking about diving specialties that you can delve into after completing your open water diving course.
I’m talking about your learning process and outcome.
As an extreme sport, scuba diving is inherently dangerous. After all, humans are not designed to survive underwater, and external conditions can greatly impact the safety of a dive.
That said, scuba diving can and should be done safely. A good dive education is the starting point.
Education can lead to various outcomes:
Personally, I believe that we ought to get to that last stage in terms of our diving ability. To be specific, a diver should at least get the basics—buoyancy, positioning and body position—right. It’s difficult to progress if you aren’t completely at ease in the water!
A committed dive instructor will work towards ensuring that you have a sound theoretical understanding and good practical proficiency. With guidance, practice and experience, you will improve your scuba diving skills and comfort level.
So do think about it: What kind of dive education do you want? A healthy attitude towards dive education—both on the part of the learner and the instructor—definitely makes better and safer divers.
Leon Boey
Leon Boey has been a technical and cave diver for decades. He founded the Livingseas Diving Center and is co-founder of the Livingseas Foundation, which focuses mainly on reef restoration. The result is what is now the most significant coral restoration site in Bali. Having traveled and dived worldwide, being surrounded by the diversity of life in a coral reef is still his best feeling.
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